Why we only use Hydrolysed Whey Protein in ReCharge

Hydrolysed whey protein is an important part of a balanced diet for athletes to support their performance and recovery. Whey protein is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. Hydrolysed whey protein is a form of whey protein that has been broken down into smaller peptides through a hydrolysis process.

This form of whey protein is easier for the body to absorb, resulting in faster delivery of amino acids to the muscles.

Athletes require greater amounts of protein than the average person due to the higher demand for muscle growth and repair. Hydrolysed whey protein is an ideal source of protein for athletes as it is a fast-acting protein that is rapidly absorbed and digested.

The hydrolysed whey protein is a more efficient way for athletes to get their daily protein intake, as it contains higher levels of essential amino acids than other forms of whey protein and has the added benefit of being digested much ore easily than WPI/WPC. 

Hydrolysed whey protein is also beneficial for athletes as it provides a quick source of energy. The body breaks down the smaller peptides in the hydrolysed whey protein more quickly than other forms of protein, meaning it can be quickly absorbed and used by the body as a source of energy. This is of particular benefit for athletes before and during exercise as it helps to maintain energy levels and prevent fatigue.

Hydrolysed whey protein has also been shown to support muscle recovery and growth. The amino acids in the hydrolysed whey protein help the body to repair and rebuild muscle tissue after intense exercise. It also contains Glutamine and Leucine, two amino acids that have been shown to promote muscle growth and repair. As such, hydrolysed whey protein is an ideal supplement for athletes to aid in muscle recovery and growth.

In conclusion, hydrolysed whey protein is an important part of a balanced diet for athletes. It is a fast-acting protein that is rapidly absorbed and digested, providing a quick source of energy and helping to support muscle recovery and growth. For these reasons, hydrolysed whey protein is an ideal supplement for athletes to aid in their performance and recovery.

Our ReCharge protein contains only the highest quality Hydrolysed Whey protein with no added WPI or WPC. 

Discover the power of our ReCharge protein supplement and get the recovery you need to take your training to the next level - buy now!"




References: 1. Pasiakos, S.M., Cao, J.J., Margolis, L.M., Sauter, E.R., Whigham, L.D., McClung, J.L. and Rood, J.C., 2011. Effects of high-protein